Wednesday, September 19, 2007 

How to Get Out From Under Too Many Payday Loans

Although payday loans are excellent ways to cover for those unexpected bills that pop up in our daily lives at the worst possible times, people can often be sucked in to costly, high interest loans quickly and easily. The best way to counteract a problem with payday loans is to curb the debt before it begins.

As a good rule of thumb, you should only use a payday loan as a last resort. Also, only take out a large enough amount of money to cover your expenses or tide you over until your paycheck arrives. The vicious circle continues as individuals who rely upon their monthly check find it taken by the loan company to repay the payday loan.

If you find yourself with several payday loans and a mountain of looming interest, know that there are options. Many individuals are quickly overwhelmed with the situation and hastily file for bankruptcy. This should be your absolute last option, but do not panicthere are many more suitable options.

First and foremost, stop taking out payday loans. As soon as you can break the cycle, then you can begin to dig yourself out of debt. Also, before you agree to any loan, research the loan rates and fees. Check out Web sites like for a comprehensive look at competitive rates.

Second, evaluate your situation. Whichever debt has the higher interest payment should be paid off first. If possible, consider taking out a larger loan with a lower interest rate to completely repay your payday loans. This way, you will only have one low payment each month.

Third, even as you are paying off your loans, you should continue to save money. Many individuals neglect this important step and find themselves without a rainy day fund to use in case of emergency. Instead of turning to a payday loan to cover unexpected fees, consider creating a savings account for those events that seem to happen at the most inopportune time.

Larry Mitchell is a San Francisco based author.

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