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Thursday, September 27, 2007 

Stop Smoking Alternative

We all know about traditional methods used to stop smoking. There are nicotine patches, gum; prescription tablets such as Wellbutrin, Zyrtex and the recently released Chantix; support groups and the dreaded cold turkey. Whether or not the methods listed above work is really dependent upon the individual trying to quit. Each of the above has helped different people I know permanently quit smoking. My husband quit cold turkey after using patches and gum failed him; a friend quit with help from nicotine patches, and my brother quit with the aid of Wellbutrin. Each of these can be effective stop smoking aids, but there are also successful alternative methods, including hypnosis aromatherapy, acupuncture and herbal remedies that may help you quit smoking.

Herbal remedies have been used throughout time to cure nearly every kind of malady and many modern prescription medicines contain either real herbal properties or synthesized versions of them. Most herbal stop smoking alternative remedies contain valerian, as well as Yarrow and chamomile to help you stay calm and ease the craving for a cigarette during stressful situations. Lobelia can help ease nicotine withdrawal symptoms and is nearly always found in herbal stop smoking alternative products. Although potentially toxic, lobelia is safe when used correctly. Because of the possibility of harmful or fatal drug interaction, always consult your doctor before initiating any herbal stop smoking alternative remedy programs.

Acupuncture is a popular method in treating many ailments, and can be a successful stop smoking alternative. The key to stopping smoking by using acupuncture is in finding a highly skilled practitioner of this ancient Chinese treatment. Hair thin acupuncture needles are inserted at various points on the ear, where they remain for 20 minutes. No studies conducted on acupuncture as an effective stop smoking alternative have proven true, but there have been enough positive results to warrant further study.

Aromatherapy is more an aid to stop smoking alternative remedies than an actual remedy. Certain oils and essences added to a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil, can be inhaled through a tissue, rubbed on the pulse points or used in a pottery diffuser to surround you with calming aromas, some of which are believed to curb nicotine cravings.

Hypnosis is one of the most widely used methods of stop smoking alternatives. Its efficacy lies in the fact that it treats your subconscious mind, where your cigarette addiction resides, and is believed to strengthen your determination to quit smoking, while changing both your behavior and your mental image of yourself from smoker to non-smoker. Experts agree that more than one hypnosis session is necessary to complete the job, and this can be quite expensive.

Did I mention that I also quit smoking? I finally managed quit smoking two years ago, just by reading a book! I can honestly say that Ive never had cravings for a cigarette, never had a relapse, and didnt gain weight. Everyone I know who had quit smoking still struggled with nicotine cravings, weight gain and that feeling of loss most people who stop smoking experience for the rest of their lives. My husband had an awful time of it, and when he saw how well I felt, and that I had none of the problems of not smoking that he did, he switched to my method, and is now as free as I am from stop smoking symptoms. If you're looking to quit smoking and you're actually looking for a way to do it ON THE FIRST TRY, then CLICK HERE to Learn The Step-By-Step System that led over 95% of smokers to quit on their very first try!

The great news is that by choosing stop smoking alternative, like I did, you really can stop smoking!

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